Atlantic Summary for November 2023
Monthly Summary

000 ABNT30 KNHC 011159 TWSAT Monthly Tropical Weather Summary NWS National Hurricane Center Miami FL 800 AM EDT Wed Nov 1 2023 For the North Atlantic...Caribbean Sea and the Gulf of Mexico: Tropical cyclone activity in the Atlantic basin was near normal in October with the formation of two named storms, with one of those becoming a hurricane (Tammy). One tropical depression also formed. In addition, Tropical Storms Philippe and Rina both completed their life cycle early in October. Based on a 30-year climatology (1991-2020), between 2-3 named storms typically develop in October, with one of them becoming a hurricane, and one a major hurricane. Philippe which formed in September affected portions of the northern Leeward Islands as a tropical storm early in the month. Tammy also affected portions of the Leeward Islands in October. Tammy made landfall as a hurricane on Barbuda during the evening of 21 October. Tropical Depression Twenty-One moved inland over Nicaragua a few days later bringing heavy rainfall with flash and urban flooding. In terms of Accumulated Cyclone Energy (ACE), which measures the strength and duration of tropical storms and hurricanes, activity in the basin so far in 2023 has been about 30 percent above average compared to the long-term (1991-2020) mean. Reports on individual cyclones, when completed, are available at the National Hurricane Center website at Summary Table Name Dates Max Wind (mph) ----------------------------------------------------------- Unnamed STS 16-17 Jan 70* TS Arlene 1-3 Jun 40* TS Bret 19-24 Jun 70* TS Cindy 22-26 Jun 60* H Don 14-24 Jul 75 TS Emily 20-21 Aug 50 MH Franklin 20 Aug- 1 Sep 150 TS Gert 19- 4 Sep 60 TS Harold 21-23 Aug 50 MH Idalia 26-31 Aug 130 TS Jose 29 Aug- 1 Sep 60 TS Katia 1- 4 Sep 60 MH Lee 5-16 Sep 165 H Margot 7-17 Sep 90 H Nigel 15-22 Sep 100 TS Ophelia 21-24 Sep 70 TS Philippe 23 Sep- 6 Oct 50 TS Rina 28 Sep- 1 Oct 50 TS Sean 11-15 Oct 45 H Tammy 18-29 Oct 105 TD Twenty-One 23-24 Oct 30 ----------------------------------------------------------- * Denotes a storm for which the post-storm analysis is complete. $$ Hurricane Specialist Unit
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