East Pacific Summary for November 2024
Monthly Summary

000 ABPZ30 KNHC 011153 TWSEP Monthly Tropical Weather Summary NWS National Hurricane Center Miami FL 800 AM PDT Fri Nov 1 2024 For the eastern North Pacific, east of 140 degrees west longitude: One named storm formed in the eastern Pacific basin during the month of October. This was Kristy, which became a category 5 hurricane well away from land. One other tropical depression developed during the month. The formation of one named storm is below the long-term (1991-2020) October average of two named storms forming in the month, and the formation of one hurricane equals the long-term average of one. Kristy becoming a major hurricane exceeds the long-term October average of one major hurricane every other year. The season to date Accumulated Cyclone Energy (ACE), which measures the combined strength and duration of tropical storms and hurricanes, is about 70 percent of the long-term (1991-2020) average. Reports on individual storms, when completed, are available at the National Hurricane Center website at www.nhc.noaa.gov/data/tcr/index.php?season=2024&basin=epac Summary Table Name Dates Max Wind (mph) ------------------------------------------------------------------ TS Aletta 4-5 Jul 40* TS Bud 24-26 Jul 60* H Carlotta 31 Jul-6 Aug 90 TS Daniel 3-6 Aug 40 TS Emilia 4-9 Aug 70 TS Fabio 5-7 Aug 65 MH Gilma 18-30 Aug 130 TS Hector 25-29 Aug 50 TS Ileana 12-15 Sep 45 MH John 22-27 Sep 120 TD Eleven-E 1-3 Oct 35 MH Kristy 21-27 Oct 160 ------------------------------------------------------------------ Dates are based on Coordinated Universal Time (UTC). * Denotes a storm for which the post-storm analysis is complete. $$ Hurricane Specialist Unit
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